For the months of January to March, we are focusing on ...
Covid Food Packs and our Carpentry Shop & Trade School
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Thank you for your prayers and generous support of Every Day Ministries Canada. We thank God for each one of you for your partnership with us as we minister to so many during this pandemic.​
This COVID-19 pandemic has affected so many people, especially the elderly, those with serious underlying medical conditions, and many who are mired in poverty. This pandemic has only exacerbated the situation of the vulnerable and marginalized. In the midst of such a difficult time, God has created some unique opportunities for us to respond to this crisis. We have been able to provide monthly food packets to many pastors and their families, the families of children in our sponsorship program, and also, in partnership with Canadian prairie gleaner organizations, ship in a container of dehydrated food every 3-4 months that has provided over 2 million servings of food. These food packets have been such a blessing to so many who have not been able to meet their daily needs and provide for their families.
Please pray for our EDMC staff as we seek to reach out and help so many who are suffering. There are so many opportunities for us to be the hands and feet of Christ, and to minister to so many with the love of Christ. We have a great team of servants who are obeying all social distancing and sanitizing guidelines not only keeping them safe but also helping to maintain the safety of the community members we minister in. We will continue, with the help of God, to do what we can to meet the needs of so many who are facing very difficult circumstances during this pandemic.
May God richly bless each one of you.
​The EDMC ministry team